Statement on COVID-19 from Hydrogen Optimized

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To all our valued customers and partners:

This has been a challenging time around the world and in Canada.  Knowing that you might have concerns we want to reassure that the safety, security and best interest of our customers, partners, employees and operations are at the core of what we do.

We want to assure you that we are taking all appropriate measures and precautions to ensure our operations are active, safe, and secure and that we have existing plans and protocols in place to ensure that they stay that way.

We at Hydrogen Optimized are acutely aware of the situation and are working hard to mitigate the impacts of any disruption.

We will continue to provide the best service to our customers and partners.  We all must work together at this time to ensure that the finished products continue to be available to the ultimate customer.

If any customer or partner wishes to accelerate their hydrogen projects, please let us know so we can properly plan for and support your mitigation strategies.

If you have any further questions on the subject, please contact Hydrogen Optimized at or +1 (705) 444-7992